Standards for Professional Behavior for PCC Employees

Speech bubbleStaff complaint procedure

Any employee who believes they have been subject to unprofessional behavior by another College employee is encouraged to report the behavior.

In accordance with Board Policy, Values Statement B-104, certain fundamental values characterize the institution in which we work and guide us in the accomplishment of this mission. Those values include the dignity and worth of each individual, open and honest communication and teamwork and cooperation. To carry out this policy, employees will work together, and with students, in a professional and respectful environment which reflects these values.

Employees are expected to treat each other, staff, students and others in a professional manner while conducting PCC business. Discourteous or offensive behavior directed toward staff, students or others will not be tolerated. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Bullying or berating others
  • Physical or verbal intimidation, such as shouting or angry outbursts directed toward others
  • Derogatory verbal or physical behavior, such as name-calling
  • Directing profanity toward others
  • Behavior that has the effect of humiliating others
  • Mobbing
  • Other unprofessional or inappropriate behavior

Discourteous or offensive behavior also includes written or electronic communication, as well as group behavior (e.g. “mobbing”) which has a negative impact on the workplace and/or on others.

Workplace bullying is behavior that harms, intimidates, offends, degrades or humiliates an employee, possible in front of other employees, clients or customers.? Workplace bullying may cause the loss of trained and talented employees, reduce productivity and morale and create legal risks.

Employees who believe they are being subjected to discourteous or offensive behavior are encouraged, when appropriate, to ask the person engaging in the behavior to stop. If an employee is uncomfortable doing so, or if the behavior continues, the employee should report the incident to their immediate supervisor. If the employee is not comfortable reporting the matter to their immediate supervisor, the employee should contact the supervisor’s manager. Employees may also contact their Human Resources Representative or Federation Representative.

Reports of unprofessional behavior should be taken seriously by supervisors and managers and followed up on as promptly as is reasonably possible.? A supervisor or manager who receives a report should acknowledge receipt of it within five business days.? Upon completion of any follow up, the responsible? supervisor or manager should also advise the person who made the report that the matter has been reviewed and addressed.

Violation of these standards may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Disciplinary action will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending upon the severity of the behavior and whether it is a repeated or an isolated instance.?Employees may also be subject to disciplinary action for making false complaints or allegations of discourteous or offensive behavior.

Discourteous or offensive behavior that involves forms of unlawful discrimination or harassment based on a protected status under state or federal law is covered under PCC’s Non-Harassment Policy. Complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment should be directed to PCC’s Affirmative Action Office.

The behavior of students is covered in the Code of Student Conduct section of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.