Onboarding Action List for Hiring Manager / Onboarding Lead

View a printable PDF version of the hiring manager / Onboarding Lead action list.

Before Employee’s First Day | First Day and Week | First Month | First 90 Days | First Year

Before Employee’s First Day

Welcoming your new employee begins as soon as they accept the job.

Work Schedule and Job Duties
Connecting and Culture
  • Prepare your staff
  • If applicable, appoint and meet with the Onboarding Ambassador and review the Suggestions for the Onboarding Ambassador section, the Onboarding Ambassador action list, and the first week’s schedule (blank version). We’d love to help! Please let the New Hire Experience Coordinator know if you are using an Onboarding Ambassador. Bear in mind that conversations between the ambassador and the new employee are intended to build a trusting relationship and to remain confidential
  • Set up meetings with people whom the employee will work with regularly
  • Set up intentional touch-point introduction meetings with other similar employee-types in your area or division (i.e. pair a coordinator to other coordinators, an admin to other admins etc.) so the employee has a chance to meet and connect with other employees in their role and build a network of support
  • Stay in contact with the new employee. For example, if the employee is a new faculty member hired in June, develop a cadence of communication between their June hire date and their Fall term start date
Work Space?(this action must be completed by a manager)
  • If the new employee needs new equipment purchased (i.e. laptop, monitor, printer etc.), work with the support personnel / team member and itbuy (email itbuy).
Access and Technology?(these actions must be completed by a manager)
  • Submit requests needed for the new employee to access online tools if applicable (i.e. Banner, Argos, H Drive, etc.). Login to MyPCC, click on the employee tab, and click the ‘Visit the manager’s page’ link. Select the necessary authorization requests to submit the ticket to IT. Contact IT Service Desk for assistance at 971-722-4400 or servicedesk@pcc.edu.
  • Approve any requests submitted by the support personnel / team member for access badge or keys if applicable

First Day and Week

Onboarding goes far beyond training.

Connecting and Culture
  • Greet the new employee at the agreed time and place
  • Connect the new employee to the Onboarding Ambassador
  • Facilitate a meet-and-greet with the team. Use this time to share some details about the team to integrate the new employee further into the team culture, such as who’s been there the longest and who’s the most recent hire etc.
  • Arrange for socializing / relationship-building time with the team
  • Take the new employee out for lunch or coffee
  • Communicate any upcoming college events (i.e. In-Service, Retreats, etc.)
  • Set up a check-in at the end of Week 1 to review how the first week went and listen to any questions
People Strategy, Equity and Culture
Training and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
  • Determine the new employee’s training needs and generate a training plan
  • Assign or request department or role-specific training (department-based training; manager resources on MyCareer@PCC)
  • If still needed, assign or request systems/access specific training if applicable in the Manager Portal of the Employee tab in MyPCC. Login to MyPCC, click on the employee tab, and click the ‘Visit the manager’s page’ link. Select the necessary authorization requests to submit the ticket to IT. Contact IT Service Desk for assistance at 971-722-4400 or servicedesk@pcc.edu
  • Review and complete the New Employee Safety Training checklist with the new employee. Ensure the employee understands their safety responsibilities. Assign any required safety trainings to the employee. For assistance, contact the department of Environmental Health and Safety
Job Duties and Expectations
  • Review the Welcome Packet (see the Support Personnel / Team Member ‘Before First Day’ action list for details on what the Welcome Packet should include) and take time to discuss the following:
    • The new employee’s work schedule
    • The first day and week’s schedule
    • The?New Hire Checklist
    • The department overview, organization chart, and where the employee fits in, highlighting the department’s mission, core values, and goals
  • Review work expectations and the following:
    • The employee’s position description, highlighting key duties and relationships
    • Any trainings assigned to them
    • Discuss the Onboarding Course in MyCareer@PCC and that the due date for completion is in 60 days (PSEC contact:?Culture, Transformation & 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment?team)
      • If the employee is benefits-eligible, explain that they will need to complete the Benefits Orientation included in the Onboarding Course and enroll in their selected benefits (PSEC contact:?Benefits team)
    • Any upcoming projects
    • The?performance assessment process/cycle. Confirm the employee understands the probationary period that applies to their classification.
    • Process for requesting sick leave/vacation time if applicable
    • Process for team meetings, inter-team communication protocols, calendaring, equity and DEI protocols, and customer service expectations
  • Review where they can locate their?contract or handbook
    • Review policies regarding lunch and break periods if applicable
  • Inform the employee?who their People Partner is, and what sort of services the PSEC division provides. Inform them about AskPSEC@pcc.edu for people operations related questions.
  • Share information about the college:
    • Discuss the?Strategic Plan
    • Explain how your department supports college initiatives
  • Review college systems, procedures and resources including:
    • MyPCC
    • The Intranet
    • PCC Spaces
    • MyCareer@PCC
  • Assign the employee a project or assignment or training/shadowing that pertains to their role and job duties
  • Follow up on the employee’s progress with the Onboarding course and any other required training

*If your new employee’s work modality is remote, please have them complete the following forms on their first day:

First Month

Welcoming a new team member extends well beyond the first week.

Training and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
  • Schedule regular, recurring check-ins with the new employee to provide continuous support and address any concerns.
  • Monitor the employee’s completion of the online Onboarding course (PSEC contact: New Hire Experience Coordinator).
  • Lay out specific training or developmental courses that align with the job description and future growth within the organization.
  • Provide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training to foster an inclusive workplace. Check out our Diversity, Equity , and Inclusion LinkedIn Learning menu.
  • Ensure the employee is completing required training as scheduled.
Performance Assessment
Connecting and Culture
  • Encourage and support the employee in participating in college events to further their integration into PCC culture (i.e. events, meetings (EAC/Board etc.)
  • Cultivate connections and relationships. Incorporate team building activities / exercises with the team.
  • Get to know the employee. Share relevant details about yourself including your managerial style and communication style

First 90 Days

Cultivating a sense of belonging takes time and effort.

Training and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment, Data Collection

First Year

Building relationships and fostering growth doesn’t happen quickly.

Connecting and Culture
  • Celebrate the employee’s one-year milestone
Training and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
  • Re-evaluate the employee’s professional goals and projections
  • Discuss development and growth opportunities
Data Collection
  • Ask the new employee for their feedback on their onboarding experience over their first year with the team. Ask them how their experience could be improved. Please feel free to share any information or suggestions with the New Hire Experience Coordinator.
  • Ask them if they’d like to get involved in welcoming future colleagues (i.e. serving as an Onboarding Ambassador)