Culture and Belonging Grants


  • The following position classifications are eligible to apply:
    • Full-time Academic Professional
    • Full-time Classified
    • Full-time Confidential
    • Full-time Faculty
    • Full-time Management
    • Part-time Faculty with a multi-year contract
  • A maximum of three (3) employees per department can be awarded a grant each fiscal year
  • Staff can only be awarded a Culture and Belonging Grant once every 2 years
  • Staff who have received a Perkins Grant within two (2) years of application are not eligible to apply

Awards are dependent upon funding available and number of eligible applicants.

Requirements and Criteria

  • The application needs to be complete.
  • The activity should have the potential to:
    • to amplify underrepresented voices or
    • cultivate anti-racism and anti-oppressive practices or
    • ground one’s awareness of restorative practices or
    • grow a culture of care or
    • impact Belonging, Justice, Equity, Inclusion or Access within the PCC community or
    • nourish an inclusive culture & reduce harm or
    • relationship build across differences
  • Describe how information and knowledge gained will be shared with your team and/or department
  • Priority will be given to staff who have not received funding in the past five years

Please email with any questions.


Application Process
  1. Obtain your supervisor’s approval prior to completing the application.
  2. Review the eligibility to ensure you are eligible to apply.
  3. Complete and submit your application within a reasonable time frame so you can obtain the early bird rate for conference registration fees. The college expects all employees to do their best to obtain competitive, reasonable rates for lodging and airfare. If conference travel is at a distance, travelers may travel the day before and stay the night of the last day of the conference to avoid traveling outside of usual work hours. Any costs associated with a time period outside of the details above are considered personal expenses and are not covered by PCC.
  4. Applications will be reviewed for eligibility and criteria. Please see below for details regarding what is required in the application form.
  5. Notifications will be sent to applicants on the last business day of the month.
Application Form Overview

The Culture and Belonging Grant application consists of four (4) sections.

  1. Eligibility
  2. Applicant information
  3. Activity details
  4. Goals and Outcomes

Apply now