YESS Metrics 2023-24 Summary Dashboard

The YESS Dashboard, a visual summary of metrics from ten YESS Student Success Reports, displays?the?directional change for each metric compared to the previous year, along with the highest and lowest values and the range (H-L) for each metric.

2023-24 Key Takeaways

    • Credit and highest enrolling course completion rates are below most prior levels.
    • Fall-to-Winter and Fall-to-Fall retention rates are at or above previous years’ rates.
    • Accumulations of college-level credits (12+, 24+, and 36+) are at or above previous levels while college-level math completion is below previous years’ levels.
    • The graduation rate is below previous years’ rates while the transfer rate is higher.

Click here for a printer-friendly format of this report.Tabular display of YESS Metric data values based on all credit students

Tabular display YESS Metrics subset groups