Credits Successfully Completed – Winter

Successful completion of attempted credits propels students toward the achievement of their educational goals. The higher the credit completion rate, the greater the likelihood students will efficiently progress through their academic pathway saving time and financial resources.

Term Year W2020 W2021 W2022 W2023 W2024
Credit completion rate 81.0% 80.0% 79.3% 78.8% 78.1%
  • Winter term successful credit completion rates range from 78% in the most recent winters 2023 and 2024 to 81% in winter 2020.

Equity Gaps

Equity gap refers to any disparity in a metric like graduation rate or term-to-term persistence along racial, socioeconomic, gender, or other major demographic groupings. These gaps lead the college to ask “what processes, policies, strategies, etc. are in place that create or exacerbate these disparities? ” rather than “what is the student doing wrong?”

Characteristic Range (low to high) Equity Gap
Gender 77.7% to 78.3% (Male to Female) <1% point
Pell Status 73.5% to 80.6% (Awarded Pell to No Pell) 7% points
Race/Ethnicity 65.6% to 84.2% (American Indian/Alaska Native to Asian) 18.6% points
Age 76% to 80.3% (Age 20-24 to Age 30 and older) 4.3% points
1st Generation 74.1% to 80.2% (1st Generation to Not 1st Generation) 6% points
Winter 2024 Findings
  • The gender equity gap is the smallest among all demographic characteristics, while the race/ethnicity equity gap is the largest.
  • On average, female students complete a higher percentage of their attempted credits than male students.
  • Students who do not receive Pell grants typically complete more attempted credits than Pell grant recipients.
  • Older students complete a higher percentage of credits than do students 20 to 24 years of age.
  • First generation students, defined as students whose parents have not completed a bachelor’s degree, tend to complete fewer attempted credits than those with at least one parent who completed a 4-year degree.
  • While the credit completion rate tends to have less variation within most race/ethnicity groups, significant disparities exist between race/ethnicity groups.
    Race/ethnicity W2024 Credit Completion % 5-Year Range (low to high)
    American Indian/Alaska Native 65.6% 65.6% (W2024) to 76.9% (W2020)
    Asian 84.2% 83.5% (W2023) to 84.8% (W2020)
    Black or African American 67.0% 67.0% (W2024) to 69.5% (W2023)
    Hispanic or Latino 72.0% 72.0% (W2024) to 77% (W2020)
    Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 67.0% 64.6% (W2022) to 75.8% (W2020)
    Two or more races 77.8% 75.2% (W2022) to 78.4% (W2022)
    Not Reported 82.8% 81% (W2023) to 83% (W2022)
    White 80.3% 80.3% (W2024) to 82.8% (W2022)

Notes: Successful Credit Completion Rate = # of credits completed with grades A, B, C, P divided by total credits attempted (including grades W.)

Data Source:? Argos, YESS Successful Credit Completions