PSOL 2021 Item Detail Report

Summary Items

So far, how has your college experience met your expectations?

  • 52% Better to much better than expected, 30% About what I expected

Rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far?

  • 69% Somewhat satisfied to very satisfied

All in all, if you had to do it over, would you enroll here again?

  • 76% Maybe yes to definitely yes

Post Pandemic Enrollment

When the college is able to resume classes on-campus, I would choose to enroll in:

  • 50% ?A combination of on-campus and online classes
  • 22% ?Only courses fully delivered on-campus
  • 14% ?Only courses offered online with no live sessions
  • 14% ?Only courses offered online with some meeting time

Items by Highest Average Importance

  • Importance range = 1 (not important at all) to 7 (very important)
Strength or Challenge Item Number Item Average Importance Average Satisfaction Standard Dev Gap (I-S)
Strength 27 Campus item: I am able to progress toward my educational goals at Portland Community College. 6.69 6.07 1.3 0.62
Strength 18 Registration for online courses is convenient. 6.56 6.07 1.33 0.49
Strength 30 Campus item: Course performance and expectations are clearly outlined in the course materials. 6.54 5.87 1.39 0.67
Strength 35 Campus item: Online learning tools (e.g. discussions, quizzes, assignments, grades, content and other activities) are easy for me to use. 6.52 5.97 1.39 0.55
Neither 11 Student assignments are clearly defined in the syllabus. 6.51 5.77 1.42 0.74
Neither 25 Faculty are responsive to student needs. 6.51 5.79 1.4 0.72
Strength 33 Campus item: My instructors demonstrate care for students in my classes. 6.50 5.99 1.38 0.51
Neither 3 Instructional materials are appropriate for program content. 6.49 5.76 1.37 0.73
Challenge 20 The quality of online instruction is excellent. 6.49 5.3 1.64 1.19
Neither 7 Program requirements are clear and reasonable. 6.48 5.7 1.44 0.78
Challenge 32 Campus item: In my online courses, I am given high quality, timely feedback to help gauge my learning progress. 6.48 5.47 1.59 1.01
Challenge 28 Campus item: There is consistency in the quality of instruction from one online course to another. 6.46 5.01 1.85 1.45
Neither 29 Campus item: My instructors use online learning tools (e.g. discussions, quizzes, assignments, content, and other activities) effectively. 6.46 5.67 1.53 0.79
Challenge 6 Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment. 6.45 5.49 1.67 0.96
Strength 23 Billing and payment procedures are convenient for me. 6.44 6.08 1.28 0.36
Neither 4 Faculty provide timely feedback about student progress. 6.41 5.64 1.41 0.77
Challenge 12 There are sufficient offerings within my program of study. 6.41 5.58 1.48 0.83
Neither 17 Assessment and evaluation procedures are clear and reasonable. 6.37 5.78 1.38 0.59
Neither 31 Campus item: I am able to get help from academic advising when I need it. 6.37 5.69 1.59 0.68
Neither 10 This institution responds quickly when I request information. 6.36 5.67 1.48 0.69
Neither 40 Source of information: Web site 6.36
Neither 36 Campus item: College staff and faculty create a welcoming environment where I feel a sense of belonging. 6.35 5.89 1.45 0.46
Neither 45 Factor to enroll: Cost 6.35 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 9 Adequate financial aid is available. 6.31 5.5 1.71 0.81
Neither 26 The bookstore provides timely service to students. 6.31 5.95 1.37 0.36
Neither 14 I receive timely information on the availability of financial aid. 6.30 5.7 1.51 0.60
Neither 13 The frequency of student and instructor interactions is adequate. 6.27 5.7 1.4 0.57
Neither 22 I am aware of whom to contact for questions about programs and services. 6.27 5.35 1.73 0.92
Neither 16 Appropriate technical assistance is readily available. 6.25 5.76 1.46 0.49
Neither 51 Factor to enroll: Convenience 6.24 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 2 My program advisor is accessible by telephone and e-mail. 6.23 5.8 1.5 0.43
Neither 21 Adequate online library resources are provided. 6.23 5.81 1.44 0.42
Neither 5 My program advisor helps me work toward career goals. 6.21 5.36 1.76 0.85
Neither 44 Factor to enroll: Ability to transfer credits 6.18 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 50 Factor to enroll: Flexible pacing for completing a program 6.17 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 24 Tutoring services are readily available for online courses. 6.15 5.72 1.54 0.43
Neither 15 Channels are available for providing timely responses to student complaints. 6.12 5.28 1.68 0.84
Neither 38 Source of information: Catalog (online) 6.11 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 47 Factor to enroll: Future employment opportunities 6.11 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 49 Factor to enroll: Work schedule 6.11 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 46 Factor to enroll: Financial assistance available 6.07 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 19 Online career services are available. 6.06 5.58 1.52 0.48
Neither 1 This institution has a good reputation. 5.97 5.88 1.25 0.09
Neither 53 Factor to enroll: Program requirements 5.94 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 34 Campus item: Required meeting times with the instructor are useful for my learning. 5.92 5.73 1.53 0.19
Neither 42 Source of information: Recommendation from instructor or program advisor 5.91 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 52 Factor to enroll: Distance from campus 5.80 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 48 Factor to enroll: Reputation of institution 5.71 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 43 Source of information: Contact with current students and / or recent graduates of the program 5.32 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 39 Source of information: College representatives 5.26 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 8 Student-to-student collaborations are valuable to me. 5.03 5.07 1.66 -0.04
Neither 54 Factor to enroll: Recommendations from employer 4.82 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 37 Source of information: Catalog and brochures (printed) 4.51 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Neither 41 Source of information: Advertisements 4.13 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Calculation of strengths and challenges

Strengths = Items with above mid-point (top half) importance and in the top 25% of satisfaction scores

Challenges = Items with above mid-point (top half) importance in the lower 25% of satisfaction scores

Importance and satisfaction response options

Importance = 1=Not important at all, 2=Not very important, 3=Somewhat unimportant, 4=Neutral, 5=Somewhat important, 6=Important, 7=Very important, N/A=Does not apply

Satisfaction = 1=Not satisfied at all, 2=Not very satisfied, 3=Somewhat satisfied, 4=Neutral, 5=Somewhat satisfied, 6=Satisfied, 7=Very satisfied, N/A=Not available/not used