Subject Area Accessibility Studies for Online Courses

Does your subject area present a unique accessibility challenge? Funding is available for faculty to conduct subject area accessibility studies.?STEAM fields encouraged to apply!

Reports from previous studies

Is there an accessibility barrier that is unique to your subject area?

If so, we are looking for one or two instructor subject matter experts with SAC approval to work with Online Learning and Accessible Ed & Disability Resources (specifically Phyllis Petteys and Angel Chesimet) for 1 term to investigate, document, and develop best practices specific to the online delivery of content in a specific discipline. Instructors are paid at the special project rate.

What faculty are saying about their study experience

Here are some short videos from faculty participants of accessibility studies.

“The Communication and Journalism Subject Area Accessibility Study was one of the most beneficial professional development projects I have been a part of.”

Chris Kernion, Communications Studies instructor

Expectations and Outcomes of Study

Working with the Accessibility Advocate, the expectations and outcomes of the study include:

  • Faculty members in the study to take:
    • OL training, “欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ing and choosing accessible content for your online course” 2 hours
    • DS training, “Disability Cultural Competency” 90 min.
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 a survey to be sent to other PCC instructors in the same subject area/discipline, to ascertain what tools and content are being used in online courses and what tools are required of students.
  • From research, discussions with Online Learning and Accessible Ed & Disability Resources and user testing, determine best practices for accessible content creation in subject matter specific content.
  • Document the best practices and recommendations for creating accessible content specific to subject area
    • No need to document process for accessible content development and delivery for MS Word, PowerPoint, D2L, Camtasia or YouTube which are already covered on
    • See Math subject area accessibility study report, ( /resources/instructional-support/access/math.html ) as an example.
  • Present findings to SAC faculty and Online Learning department.
  • Produce a final report.

Selection Process

We unfortunately cannot fund an unlimited number of studies. We will prioritize applications by the subject-specific accessibility barriers identified in the application.

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