Changing an automatically graded quiz answer
This section explains?how to change an Auto Graded Quiz answer after students have submitted their responses.? If this is?the result of a bad quiz question, this section will also explain how to fix the question.? Important: This procedure works for multiple choice and true/false questions, but NOT with “ordering” questions. These are the instructions to change the answer for a single question and not for a question sets.
- Who is this for:?Online Instructors
- What is required:?A D2L course with a quiz created
Step 1: ?Change the test question
Follow this step if you need to create a new quiz question. This step will create a?duplicate question with no current student attempts for this term in the question.
- Click on Quizzes from the course navigation bar.
- Click on the title of the quiz you want to work with.
- Beneath the Questions section, click the title of the question you want to edit.
- Change the value to the correct answer and Save.
- If the question is used in more than one place (e.g., the Question Library), you will then see a screen with the following directions: “This question is used in more than one place. Select all the items you want the changes to apply to then click the Save button.”
- Upon returning to the Quiz Editor, click Save and Close.
Step 2:?Adjust student scores
- Select Grade from the appropriate quiz’s action menu.
- You will then see three tabs: Users, Attempts, and Questions. Select the Questions tab for this quiz.
- Click on the title of the question you want to work with. (If you changed the question, you will find a second question title under the Questions not being used heading. This is the one you want to update for the students this term.)
- Scroll through the student responses for this question and adjust the points for those who chose the proper response but did not receive credit for it.
- Click Save.
Step 3: Update scores in gradebook
Even though quizzes are linked to the gradebook, they function independently. After grades have been posted to the gradebook, you must manually update any with new scores.
- On the course navbar, click Quizzes.
- Open the action menu for the appropriate quiz and choose Grade.
- You will then see three tabs: Users, Attempts, and Questions. Click on the Questions tab and check Update all attempts.
- Click the quiz question that needs grading.
- Grant the desired points within the applicable Grading Type.
- Click Save.
- If you revisit the adjustment page, you will be able to review the Modification Log. Note that your comments, if any, are recorded here.