Setting due dates and late submission dates for an assignment

Setting up the due dates for the assignment shows your students the time frame in which they are required to complete their work and marks any late assignments.

  • What is required: A D2L Brightspace course and an Assignment folder


  1. Navigate to Assignments in the navbar.
  2. Locate the assignment for which you plan to set the due and submission dates.
  3. Click on the action menu next to the Assignment name and choose Edit?from the action menu.
  4. From the Edit Assignment page, you can access all three (3) Assignment Dates: the Due Date, the Start Date, and the End Date (more information below).
    Note: You don’t have to use all three dates; they are optional.
  5. Click the?Save?button to save the changes. Clicking on the?Save and Close button will save your changes and bring you back to the list of Folders in your Dropbox area.
The Due Date

On the Edit Assignment page, located under the Assignment Title, to the right of “Grade Out Of” options, the Due Date can be set via the Calendar drop-down menu. This Assignment will still be available for your students after the Due Date, but submissions uploaded past that date will be marked as Late when seen under the Submission view.

Start and End Dates

On the Edit Assignment page, at the top of the right column, select Availability Dates & Conditions to reveal the Start and End Date settings. Dates can be set via Calendar drop-down menus. Once a date is selected, options to set the behavior of the Assignment outside the Start or End dates become visible.

  • “Visible with access restricted” prevents students from viewing the Assignment page or its description outside the date window. The Assignment will still appear under Content and Assignments but will not be ‘clickable.’
  • “Visible with submission restricted” prevents students from submitting but allows them to view the Assignment page and instructions.
  • “Hidden” will effectively toggle the visibility button, so in addition to preventing submission and viewing, students will not see the Assignment under Content or Assignments. This option is not recommended.
  • Add Availability Dates To Calendar – Checking this box will create Calendar events and notifications for the Start and End dates.
Video Tutorial: