Recorded Workshops

Online Learning Instructional Support hosts a variety of training sessions to get you started with the instructional tools used at PCC. We’ve curated recordings for each session that we offer.

These recorded sessions were led by an Instructional Technology Specialist here at PCC and covered key tools within D2L Brightspace.

Overview Sessions

  • Getting Started w/ D2L Brightspace for Remote Teaching: Briefly demonstrates the use of the significant tools: Announcements, Content, Assignments, Grades, and Zoom–and their importance in remote instruction.
  • Explore Content Creation and Organization in D2L Brightspace: Learn how to create and customize a wide variety of content in D2L Brightspace: creating web pages, inserting videos, adding assignments, and building easy-to-navigate course modules. This session is for faculty who are new to Brightspace or those needing a refresher on content creation tools.
  • How to Make Your D2L Content Page Accessible and Stylish: Have you ever wondered how to respond to a less-than-perfect Accessibility Score on a ?D2L course webpage? If so, this training session will not only answer that question, but also how to (1) design student-centered module structures; (2) use up-to-date HTML templates to create stylish content; and (3) convert Word files, PDFs, PowerPoint slides, and Google Docs into course webpages with perfect accessibility scores.

D2L Brightspace

  • Using Discussions in D2L Brightspace: Learn how to create and utilize discussions to facilitate student collaboration and post group or private discussions. Check out the new settings and the new discussion evaluation experience.
  • Using Assignments in D2L Brightspace: Learn how to set up Assignment folders so that students can submit their assignments online (create an assignment guide).
  • Using Quizzes in D2L Brightspace: Explore the quiz creation and evaluation experience. Learn best practices and tips & tricks on quizzes.
  • Using Grades in D2L Brightspace: Learn how to set up a grade book, so your students can track their own grades (using grades guide).
  • Using D2L Brightspace Statistical Tools to Track Student Progress: In this training session, we will not only discuss View Reports on Course Content, but also the analytical tools associated with Discussions, Quizzes, Rubrics, Grades, and Class Progress (which can reveal mode, median, and standard deviation). Therefore, the D2L Brightspace Analytical tools can provide information on student engagement and possible insights into a revision of the curriculum
  • Using Attendance in D2L Brightspace: Explore using the attendance tool to track attendance and class participation. Create a custom scheme to match your needs and have less clutter for your grade book.
  • Using Rubrics with Discussions & Assignments in D2L Brightspace: Start grading discussions and assignments with Rubrics. Rubrics allow for a faster time grading and providing general/predictable feedback, and more time to provide specific, thoughtful feedback to students. Learn how students can view rubrics before and after they complete the assignment.
  • Using Audio-Video Tools In D2L Brightspace: Learn how to use VideoNote, My Media in D2L Brightspace and Kaltura Capture to record your video lecture and post it to your course. We will also cover how to edit and caption self-created videos.

Instructional Tools

There are a variety of instructional tools at PCC that faculty can use to enhance their classes. Here are some recordings to get you started.

  • Zoom: Learn how to set up a Zoom room in D2L Brightspace for synchronous meetings with your students! (Zoom resources)
  • VoiceThread: Overview of VoiceThread, including reasons to use, how to upload media, comment using text, audio, or video, and how to share with students through D2L. (VoiceThread resources)
  • H5P: learn about H5P, an HTML-based content authoring tool that integrates with D2L Brightspace as a way to add interactivity and more opportunities for self-assessment, practice, or active learning. This session will cover evaluating the tool for your own course design, going over examples from previous instructors and course developments, as well as hands-on building activities. (H5P written tutorials for each of the activities, H5P Facts & FAQ, H5P Accessibility)
  • Overview of, includes reasons to use, how to upload media, comment using text, audio, or video, and how to share with students through D2L. In this workshop, Christie DeCarolis, trainer, will show you how to establish a social presence and connect with your students using to improve course satisfaction and student learning. We will cover all the basic and new features of, demonstrate how everything works in D2L, showcase a variety of examples from actual courses, and have an open Q&A throughout the training.


Using media is a great way to enhance your course and increase student engagement. Check out the sessions below to get started.

Google Apps

Watch these recorded sessions led by Max Macias in IT to learn more about how you can use Google apps to improve your workflow.

  • Using Google Docs for Instruction: Learn how to utilize Google Docs for assignments and online course materials fully. In addition, we will cover tips on creating reusable assignment templates, sharing them with students, and using GrackleDocs to create accessible content (session resource links).
  • Google Meet: Learn how to schedule a Google Hangout/Meet, screen share and other file sharing, chat, record, and more!
  • Intro to Google Drive: Learn how to use Google Drive, create and share documents, and more!
  • Google Docs Advanced: Learn more about Google Sheets and Forms, emailing documents, different formats, and more!

Teaching Strategies

Check out these great sessions on various practices you can use to promote student engagement in your classes.

  • Best Practices for Remote Teaching (1hr 21min): Using a combination of existing knowledge of Culturally Responsive Online Teaching practices alongside crowd-sourced strategies during the session, members of the Training & 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment team and the ITS team will curate actionable steps teachers can take to improve their teaching presence, build community, and boost their content delivery within remote spaces. (session slides)
  • What Works Well in Online Teaching (WWWOT): This is a set of essential practices to help instructors improve their teaching practices. The new version includes practices for engaging and inclusive online teaching, and for creating a sense of belonging. (WWWOT website and WWWOT session slides)
  • Strategies for Equitable Grading in D2L Brightspace: Online Learning staff shows how to create equitable grading schemes and rubrics in D2L. Explore a 1-5 point grading scale, a complete/incomplete scheme, and shows you how to create rubrics that use an equitable grading scale.
  • Equitable Online Assignment workshop: A two-hour workshop by Kevin Kelly (PCC Spring 2022 Book Club), in which participants follow the backward design model to (re)design an online assignment with equity in mind. Consists of:?Assessment – Participants will investigate methods to increase learning equity in how students complete and submit their work, and how they (the teacher) review and score that work,?Engagement – Participants will identify ways to increase learning equity during assignment-related interactions (e.g., student-student peer review, teacher-student feedback),?Content Review – Participants will discuss strategies for increasing equity related to reviewing content for an assignment (e.g., sharing multiple perspectives, using Open Educational Resources), and?Instructions – Participants will explore an expanded Transparent Assignment Template to create equity-focused assignment instructions.
  • Culturally Responsive Remote Teaching: Online Learning staff and experienced online faculty discuss strategies for culturally responsive remote teaching.
  • Strategies for Remote Teaching Part 1: Online Learning staff and experienced online faculty discuss strategies for moving to remote teaching.
  • Strategies for Remote Teaching Part 2: Online Learning staff and experienced online faculty discuss strategies for moving to remote teaching.
  • Photovoice:? Explore a stimulating visual alternative to text discussions during a highly interactive session.
  • Strategies for Showing Faculty Presence: Explore strategies for showing faculty presence with students in your?remote?class with the goal of promoting student success.
  • Engaging Students during your Zoom Class:?Learn strategies and tools for promoting interaction and student engagement when meeting synchronously.
  • Alternative Assessment Strategies:? Learn how to evaluate student achievement of learning outcomes and what assessment methods can be used that go beyond the usual multiple-choice exams.
  • Remote Teaching – Reflection and Planning: A panel of faculty sharing their Spring term remote teaching experience, lessons learned, and tips for the next round.