Brightspace Creator+

Creator Plus logo Creator+ is a set of tools to create interactive content within Brightspace. The tools provide a way to create components like flash cards or knowledge checks with a helpful user interface.

Creator+ is a Brightspace feature to help with course design & creation. There are 3 Creator+ Components you can use inside the D2L course: C+ Layouts, Practice, and Elements. Each component is described below with each of the available options.

Why use Creator+?

Creator+ Elements can help to “chunk” information which can aid comprehension and retention. Creator+ Practices can help learners self-assess when exploring your course content. Currently, the list of components include:


Elements are design options you can apply to your page without coding or HTML knowledge. There are nine element types:

  • Accordions
  • Tabs
  • Click and Reveal
  • Callouts
  • Timeline
  • Flip Cards
  • Stylized Quotes
  • Carousel
  • Hotspot


Practice is non-graded self-assessment or knowledge-check activities you use within the page. Learners can get immediate feedback on their understanding of a specific topic outside a formal assessment. There are seven practice types:

  • Dropdown Fill in the Blanks
  • Multi-Select
  • Multiple Choice
  • Sequencing
  • Sorting
  • True or False
  • Fill in the Blanks


Layouts allow you to structure your content page. You can use Layouts to create panels, a great way to display related information on a page. In the mobile view, panels will stack (left on top, right on the bottom). There are four layout options:

Creator plus layout options menu

  • Two Panels
  • Two Thirds / One Third Panels
  • One Third / Two Thirds Panels
  • Three Panels

Interested in trying Creator+?

Creator+ is a part of the Brightspace LMS and is available to use in any HTML page in the Content section of your course. Every component is accessible from the WYSIWYG editor when editing an HTML page.

Instructional Technology support staff have created a Brightspace course which houses live demonstrations of every Creator+ component. Enrolling in this course will allow you to:

  • Interact with pre-built Creator+ components
  • View use cases and examples
  • Read about best practices for various components

Register for Creator+ course