FN – Foods/Nutrition Instructor Qualifications ARCHIVE
FN Instructor Qualifications prior to December 2021
Master of Science in Nutrition
Master’s degree in related health field such as, but not limited to:? Public Health, Community Health Education, Exercise Physiology, Physical Education, Social Sciences and a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and 30 quarter hours of graduate credit in the subject area
Revised: December 2012
FN Instructor Qualifications prior to December 2012
- Master of Science in Foods and Nutrition
Because of four separate requests for guidance (from other Oregon community colleges), Nuha Rice and I had a rousing discussion about which credentials appropriate for faculty in foods and nutrition. We gradually eliminated what fell under heading of personal qualifications (teaching experience, health food bias, etc) and decided that the bottom line is a post graduate degree in foods and nutrition. OSU requires a master’s in F&N to teach the college transfer intro course FN 225. We align ourselves with OSU as closely as possible so that our students can compete with Corvallis instruction. Limiting the field to an advanced degree in foods and nutrition thereby eliminates those who:
- cannot appropriately examine the professional literature in this subject area,
- uses some other avenue other than hard science, and
- espouses their personal lifestyle (such as vegetarianism is the only choice) to the detriment of all other approaches to foods and nutrition.
We no longer require faculty to hold registry in American Dietetic Association (R.D.) as PCC terminated all dietetics programs and therefore has no current affiliation with ADA. In short, the Master of Science in Foods and Nutrition is the only credential to suffice.
Revised Date: 3/21/2004