HUM – Humanities Instructor Qualifications

Master’s degree or PhD in Humanities, History, Literature, Religious Studies, Art History, Music, Philosophy, Cultural Studies OR

Master’s degree in any field AND 30 quarter hours of graduate credit in any of the above, OR

Master’s degree in any field AND 15 quarter hours of graduate credit in any of the above PLUS experience as lead instructor for at least 4 college-level Humanities courses, OR

Master’s degree in any field AND 16-29 quarter hours of graduate credit in any of the above PLUS experience as lead instructor for at least 2 college-level Humanities courses.

HUM 214 only

Any of the above OR Master’s degree or PhD in American Studies, Asian American Studies, Black Studies, Chicano/Latino Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Critical Race Studies, Ethnic Studies, Indigenous Nations Studies, Native American Studies.

HUM 221 only

Any of the above AND Certified as a Phi Theta Kappa’s 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Studies Instructor.

* This list may not be inclusive as there are other degree titles that may be appropriate for the subject and related areas. The Division Dean, consultation with the SAC chair will make a recommendation to the Dean of Instruction about the applicability of a particular degree that is outside the scope of this list. The Department Chair can determine the applicability of a particular degree to teaching a specific Humanities course.

Provisional Approval

A part-time instructor without a Masters or Doctorate may be approved if they have 30 quarter hours of graduate credit in the subject area and are actively pursuing the degree and are anticipated to be awarded the degree within six months of hire, as determined by the instructor’s graduate advisor (a letter from the advisor will be required and kept on file.)

Approved: October 30, 2018 (HUM 214 quals added)

HUM Instructor Qualifications Prior to October 2018