EC – Economics Instructor Qualifications

Master’s Degree in Economics


Masters Degree in related field and 30 hours (or 24 hours if candidate has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics) of graduate work in economics.

A background in economic history and the history of economic thought is preferred.

  • Degrees in the following areas should be regarded as related fields
  • Anthropology
  • Area studies
  • Business
  • Communication studies
  • Community development
  • Cultural studies
  • Environmental studies
  • Gender studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Urban studies

This list may not be inclusive as there are other degree titles that may be appropriate for related fields.? The Dean of Instruction will make the final determination about the applicability of a particular degree that is outside the scope of this list.

Graduate work in economics includes course work completed within the economics discipline or, as stipulated within the course title and course catalog description, courses completed within the related discipline in which economics content is the primary focus.

Provisional Approval

A part-time instructor without a Masters or Doctorate may be approved if they have 30 quarter hours of graduate credit in the subject area and are actively pursuing the degree and are anticipated to be awarded the degree within six months of hire, as determined by the instructor’s graduate advisor (a letter from the advisor will be required and kept on file.)

Revision Approved March 2015

EC Instructor Qualifications Prior to March 2015