FT- Exercise Science Instructor Qualifications (formerly Fitness Technology) – ARCHIVE

FT Instructor Qualifications Prior to April 2018

Masters degree in Physical Education, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology, Sports Fitness, Sports Science, Outdoor Recreation 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网, Human Performance, Kinesiology, or Human Physiology plus three (3) years experience in the industry.


Masters degree in any field plus Bachelors degree in Physical Education, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology, Sports Fitness, Sports Science, Outdoor Recreation 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网, Human Performance, Kinesiology, or Human Physiology plus three (3) years experience in the industry.

Preferred Qualifications:

  1. Masters degree in Physical Education, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sports Fitness, Human Performance, Kinesiology, or Human Physiology.
  2. Three (3) years of recent experience teaching adults in Physical Education or fitness-related classes.
  3. Ability to teach at least one of the listed Professional Activities classes (Group Fitness, Weight Training, Mind-Body, Team Sports, Special Populations, or Aquatics).
  4. Current certifications in CPR, AED, and First Aid.
  5. Experience teaching theoretical lecture classes in one or more of the following: exercise science, kinesiology, biomechanics, fitness promotion, fitness testing and prescription, sports nutrition, fitness for special populations, basic anatomy and physiology for fitness instructors.
  6. Experience teaching and supervising students in practical laboratory settings. This should include at least one or more of the following laboratory topics: anatomy, kinesiology, fitness testing, body composition, fitness prescription, metabolic cart/VO2max testing, electrocardiogram (ECG), and graded exercise testing (GXT).

Revised May 2016

FT Instructor Qualifications Prior to May 2016

1. Masters degree in Physical Education, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology, Sports Fitness, Human Performance, Kinesiology, or Human Physiology plus three (3) years experience in the industry.


Masters degree in any field plus Bachelors degree in Physical Education, Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology, Sports Fitness, Human Performance, Kinesiology, or Human Physiology plus three (3) years experience in the industry.

2. Professional Activities (PRO-ACT) Classes – Demonstrated competency in the field: Qualifications for teaching the following list of courses will be considered only when unable to secure candidate by using #1. Candidates that meet #1 above should also meet the following criteria when teaching PRO-ACT classes if possible. Positive professional references, validated years of teaching experience and personal recommendations must be evident before consideration.

  • Group Fitness PRO-ACT: Three (3) years teaching experience plus one of the following certifications: American Council on Exercise (ACE), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health/Fitness Instructor, Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) Aerobics Instructor, Aerobic Excel (EXEL) Group Fitness Instructor or equivalent. Group Exercise Leader Certification, or equivalent. Strong preference for candidates with recent experience teaching in college or teaching adults of varying skill levels.
  • Aquatics PRO-ACT: Three (3) years teaching experience plus one of the following certifications: Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) or Water Safety Instructor (WSI). Strong Preference for candidates with recent experience teaching in college or teaching adults of varying skill levels.
  • Weight Training PRO-ACT: Bachelor’s degree in any subject area, three (3) years teaching experience, plus one of the following certifications: American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM-CPT) or Health Fitness Specialist (ACSM-HFS), National Strength and Conditioning Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) or Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS), National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), or American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT).
  • Team Sports PRO-ACT: Bachelor’s degree in any subject area, plus three (3) years teaching/coaching at the High School/College level. National certification in particular sport is preferred, but not required.
  • Mind-Body PRO-ACT: Demonstrated competency in at least one of the following areas:
    • Body in Balance (Pilates): Three years (3) teaching experience plus one of the following certifications: Initiation 101 or Initiation 201 from the Physical Mind Institute, Stott Conditioning Training and Certification from Pilates Studio, Core Dynamics Certification or Pilates Method of Body Conditioning Certification. Strong preference for candidates with recent experience teaching in college or teaching adults of varying skill levels.
    • Tai Chi: Three (3) years teaching experience plus certification from recognized school for Tai Chi instructors. Strong preference will be given for candidates with recent experience teaching in college or teaching adults of varying skill levels.
    • NIA (Neuromuscular Integrative Action): Three (3) years teaching experience in Neuromuscular Integrative Action, NIA Certification in one of the following belts White, Blue, Brown, or Black. Strong preference for candidates with recent experience teaching in college or teaching adults of varying skill levels.
    • Yoga: Three (3) years teaching experience plus certification from recognized school for Yoga instructors. Strong preference for candidates with recent experience teaching in college or teaching adults of varying skill levels.
Fitness Technology Instructor Qualifications – Preferred
  1. Strong preference to candidates with recent experience teaching in college or adults of varying skill levels.
  2. Current certifications in CPR/AED/First Aid.
  3. Ability to teach at least one of the listed PRO ACT classes.
  4. Experience teaching theoretical lecture classes in one or more of the following: exercise science, kinesiology, biomechanics, fitness promotion, fitness testing and prescription, sports nutrition, fitness for special populations, basic anatomy and physiology for fitness instructors.
  5. Experience teaching and supervising students in practical laboratory settings. This should include at least one or more of the following laboratory topics: anatomy, kinesiology, fitness testing, body composition, fitness prescription, metabolic cart/VO2max testing, electrocardiogram (ECG), and graded exercise testing (GXT).
  6. Experience advising and counseling students on academic progress, academic planning, career planning, and transfer options.
Related Instruction

For FT Courses with embedded Related Instruction in Computation: FT 103, FT 104 and FT 105 College-level Algebra or higher (MTH 111 or higher)

Revised March 2011; Revised April 2016 to remove Related Instruction

Fitness Tech. Instructor Requirements

  1. Masters degree in PE
  2. Master degree in closely related subject area, i.e., exercise physiology, sports fitness, plus 30 quarter hours graduate credit in subject area. For Corrective/Adaptive Physical Education – subject area in Physical Therapy or Adaptive Physical Education.
  3. Bachelors degree in PE or closely related subject area., i.e., exercise physiology, sports fitness, plus

Not complete – asked for dept ‘e’ copy.
Revised Date: 01/2002

Fitness Tech. Instructor Requirements

Within Fitness Technology, the instructor qualification would be in keeping with the PCC Instructor Qualification Policy for Vocational/Technical Education Instructors. Specifically, we would require those teaching the FT curriculum to have a Master’’ degree in Physical Education, Exercise Science, or a related field. For the Nutrition and Injury Prevention classes we would expect specialized education in those areas. For the Professional Activity classes, we would choose instructors with the related degrees plus teaching experience in specialty areas such as Aerobics, Weight Training, Aquatics, Exercise for Special Populations, and other Fitness activities.

Certifications from the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Council on Exercise, or similar organization would also be helpful. Work experience within the health and fitness industry will be desirable for some courses such as the Fitness Technology Seminar.

Revised Date: 6/26/1995