HST – History Instructor Qualifications
HST Instructor Qualifications’ page prior to January 23, 2018 (old course numbers)
Master’s in History or, for specialty courses only (see examples listed below), 30 quarter hours of graduate credit in history with a completed Master’s degree in a related area including, but not limited to, American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Russian and Eastern European Studies, Latin American Studies, Women’s Studies, Black Studies, American Indian Studies or Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
- HST 204 US Women: Pre-colonial to 1877 – Women’s Studies
- HST 205 US Women: 1877 to Present? – Women’s Studies
- HST 218 Native American Indian History – American Indian Studies
- HST 225 Hst of Women, Sex, & The Family – Women’s Studies
- HST 270 History of Mexico – Latin American Studies
- HST 274 African American History – I – Black Studies
- HST 275 African American History – II – Black Studies
- HST 276 African American History- III – Black Studies
- HST 278 Russian History I HST 279 Russian History II – Russian and Eastern European Studies
- HST 284 History of Africa – Black Studies
- HST 285 The Holocaust – Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Revised: 2/5/2010
HST Instructor Qualifications prior to February 2010
Masters in History or closely related field with SAC approval as a minimum. Previously the qualifications were to have an earned Masters in History. Because of the broad nature of history, the SAC will under limited circumstances consider academic expertise and experience in other closely related fields in order to staff particular courses with the best available candidate.
Revised Date: 2/17/2003
Offsite Instructor’s, (Specifically those teaching AP history course at the high school level under the auspices of PCC)
Master’s degree in history. Current instructor would be grandfathered in. Master’s degree in teaching or in other social science field will not suffice.
Revised Date: 4/12/2000
Instructor for HST 202 and HST 203
Master’s degree in history with 24 graduate hours in U.S History and /or three years experience teaching U.S. History.
Revised Date: 5/11/1992
Specialty Courses in History
Master’s degree in History with 24 graduate hours in the specialty subject and/or three year experience teaching the specialty subject.