Interior Design Instructor Qualifications-ARCHIVE

Interior Design Instructor Qualifications prior to April 2018

ID Instructor Requirements

Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, 5 years professional experience in the field, and 1 year teaching experience

Revised Date: 6/26/1995

Demonstrated competence for Interior Design is determined on a course-by-course basis. For each course, the instructor must have minimum of five years professional experience in interior design or related field. Related fields may include by are not limited to: architecture, kitchen and bath design, lighting design, textiles, or similar.

Revised Date: 3/07/2005

ID 125 Computer Drafting for Interior Designers using Chief Architect Software
  • The candidate shall have at least 5 years of full-time professional experience in the field of interior design.
  • The candidate shall have at least 3 years of professional experience using Chief Architect software, and is able to produce a portfolio of work generated in professional practice.
  • In addition, it is preferred that the candidate has taken at least one training class given by the manufacturer of the software or through an accredited institution.
  • The candidate must demonstrate at least two years of teaching experience, or two years of leadership and training experience in lieu of teaching experience, or an equivalent combination.
Related Instruction

ID 125 Computer Drafting for Interior Design? (RI in Computation)

  • Instructor must have 3-4 years industry experience in CAD drafting programs.
  • Instructor must be fluent in the CAD drafting program.

Approved: December 2010