This content was published: August 30, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Sylvania MakerLab Vinyl Cutting Workshop – Tuesday, September 12th

Sean Rooney

Sylvania MakerLab Vinyl Cutting Workshop - Tuesday, September 12th | Vinyl Cutting Workshop. | Make a sticker, decal, or iron-on. | Tuesday September 12th from 5 to 8pm. | Location MakerLab at Sylvania Campus | AM 101. | RSVP needed. | Use QR code.

Vinyl Cutting Workshop.

Make a sticker, decal, or iron-on.

Tuesday, September 12th from 5 to 8pm.

Location: MakerLab at Sylvania Campus

AM 101

RSVP needed. Use the QR code.