Color Palette

Consistent use of color supports visual cohesion and leverages an emotional resonance with our brand. It’s a powerful way to help people get to know our unique style and increase the impact of our storytelling.

Brand Colors

One of the ways that Portland Community College creates visual continuity and impact is through consistent use of brand colors. Aside from our logo, PCC turquoise is the most identifiable element of our college. PCC’s primary colors are turquoise and navy. These two colors provide a palette that can be adapted for multiple audiences as needed. In general, turquoise should be emphasized over all other colors. If navy serves as a primary color (i.e., for a business audience), then turquoise should be utilized as an accent color.

Primary Color Palette

PCC Brand Color Turquoise

PCC Turquoise

The PCC turquoise was instituted as the primary color during the college’s 50th anniversary in 2011. It was updated to feel lighter and more contemporary.

PMS? 3135c
CMYK? 100 / 23.36 / 29.48 / 1.15
RGB? 0 / 142 / 170

PCC Brand Color Navy

PCC Navy

The PCC navy color was adjusted and is an update to the legacy color palette.

PMS? 2955c
CMYK? 100 / 60 / 10 / 53
RGB? 0 / 56 / 101
HEX? 003865

Color Builds

When possible, projects should be printed using the Pantone Matching System values (PMS 3135c and PMS 2955c). If spot colors are not available, the CMYK values listed on this page should be used. To translate our brand thoughtfully for digital audiences, we’ve created web-specific values of our color palettes, using the HEX and RGB color builds.

Secondary and Tertiary Colors

Although our color system relies heavily on turquoise and navy, we understand the need to complement that palette with a vibrant set of additional colors. This full set of secondary and tertiary colors was developed to help elevate marketing projects and speak to a variety of audiences. Please use these colors sparingly and always with PCC’s turquoise. Also, under no circumstances should any of these colors become the predominant color for an academic program, department, or center.

Secondary Color Palette
PCC Brand Color Purple

PMS? 669c
CMYK? 87 / 97 / 8 / 49
RGB? 63 / 42 / 86
HEX? 3D2B57

PCC Brand Color Seafoam Green

PMS? 559c
CMYK? 29 / 2 / 24 / 3
RGB? 173 / 202 / 184

PCC Brand Color Light Tan

PMS? 400c
CMYK? 6 / 7 / 13 / 16
RGB? 196 / 191 / 182

PCC Brand Color Apple Green

PMS? 383c
CMYK? 29 / 1 / 100 / 18
RGB? 168 / 173 / 0

PCC Brand Color Dark Tan

PMS? 403c
CMYK? 18 / 21 / 27 / 47
RGB? 140 / 133 / 123
HEX? 8A837A

Tertiary Color Palette
PCC Brand Color Salmon Pink

PMS? 170c
CMYK? 0 / 48 / 50 / 0
RGB? 255 / 134 / 116
HEX? FF8571

PCC Brand Color Bright Yellow

PMS? 803c
CMYK? 0 / 5.47 / 97.71 / 0
RGB? 255 / 232 / 0

PCC Brand Color Golden Yellow

PMS? 124c
CMYK? 0 / 30 / 100 / 0
RGB? 234 / 170 / 0


Brand Color Combinations

When building color combinations, be sure PCC’s turquoise is predominate (approximately 50% of the design). The secondary colors are to support the turquoise (approximately 15% of each color, or 45% of the design) and the tertiary colors are for highlights or call-outs (approximately 5% of the design).

Palette Combination Examples

PCC Brand Color Palette Examples