Key Messages

There are four primary themes, or pillars, that provide an overall framework for PCC’s brand: quality education; access and student success; diversity, equity and inclusion; and sustainability and economic development.

Brand pillar 1: Access and student success

We believe in opportunity for all, always.

Mission theme: Access and Student Success
Strategic Planning themes: Provide Affordable Education, Drive Student Success

PCC is Oregon’s number one gateway to higher education and lifelong learning. We provide educational excellence at an affordable price, a practical pathway to a better future.

PCC offers educational opportunities for all who seek them, and faculty and staff work tirelessly to help students meet their goals.

Brand pillar 2: Quality education

Students who think PCC first can do anything next.

Mission theme: Quality Education
Strategic Planning themes: Provide Outstanding Education, Ignite a Culture of Innovation

PCC is widely recognized for the excellence of its programs, faculty and staff as well as the breadth of its offerings. Far from the college of last resort, PCC is the smart choice for savvy students (and parents) who know they are getting not just a great deal but a great education. For lifelong learners, there’s no more vital or beloved community resource.

Brand pillar 3: Diversity, equity and inclusion

We live our commitment to social justice.

Mission theme: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Strategic Planning themes: Create a nationally renowned culture for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

PCC is Oregon’s most important educational entry point for traditionally underserved students. We work to reduce barriers to student success, to ensure equitable opportunities, and to enrich learning through a diversity of perspectives and experiences.

We also seek to live a shared commitment to the tenets of social justice and critical race theory, even when it calls for a challenging examination of assumptions and practices. We are committed to address systems of inequality at and beyond PCC.

Brand pillar 4: Economic development and community connection

We’re a powerhouse partner.

Mission theme: Economic 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment and Sustainability
Strategic Planning themes: Achieve Sustainable Excellence in All Operations; Transform the Community Through Opportunities

PCC is Oregon’s premier community connector. As one of the most powerful conveners in Oregon and beyond, PCC is a critical catalyst for the region’s educational, government, business, industry, community and philanthropic partners.

As Oregon’s largest post-secondary educational institution, PCC can’t rest on its laurels. We embrace innovation and sustainable practices as we seek to serve students today and tomorrow.