This content was published: October 30, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Charlston 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网s Teacher of the Year Award

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Vicky Charlston, a Portland Community College faculty member in the Computer Applications/Office Systems department, was recently selected as postsecondary teacher of the year by Oregon Business and Management Educators. She teaches at the Sylvania campus in Southwest Portland.

A resident of Northeast Portland, Charlston has been a full-time instructor at PCC since 1984. Her classes focus on computer applications and skills for administrative assistants. She noted that colleague Karen Jolly won the award last year, and credited PCC for its support.

Charlston dedicated the award to her business teacher at Hermiston High School, the late Jenny Wren Wilder. "I always knew I wanted to teach but it really was her that made me decide I wanted to teach," said Charlston. Wilder’s daughter, Nancy Wilder, teaches business courses at PCC.

The Oregon Business and Management Educators professional organization was formerly known as Oregon Business Education Association. The OBME is aligned with the Western Business Education Association and National Business Education Association.