This content was published: October 23, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Presents Chekov's "Three Sisters"

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The Theater Arts Department of Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus, announces its fall term production of "Three Sisters," by Anton Chekov. A subtle and revealing story of life in provincial Russia, the story follows three daughters of a deceased army officer who long for the days of their youth in Moscow.

"Three Sisters" is directed by PCC instructor Joanna Goff, directing her first production at Portland Community College. Ms. Goff is an experienced actress, director and theater instructor.

Scenic and lighting design is by PCC’s theater manager and technical director, Dan Hays; costumes are by resident designer Margaret Louise Hetherington; Jane Holman is the wig designer.

The cast features 15 talented PCC students, as well as local actor Earle A. Taylor of Southwest Portland as Ferapont. The title sisters are played by Victoria Morgan Hyde (Olga) of Aloha, Jillian Harrington (Masha) who lives in Lake Oswego, and Cristine Orcutt (Irina), a resident of Southwest Portland. Their brother is played by Donald Johnson (Andrei) of Southeast Portland and the role of Natalya, his wife, by Cathleen Harris, who also lives in Southeast Portland.

The rest of the cast includes: Jason Stone as Kulygin, Shahab Akhtar Rao as Vershinin, Nasir Najieb as Tuzenbach, Mitch Hurt as Solyony, Tim O’Halloran as Chebutykin, Christopher Funk as Fedotik, Dusty Brown Cline as Anfisa, Michelle Mays as the Maid, Ryan Hoar as Rodez, and Kyle Barbisan as Skvortsov.

"Three Sisters" performance dates are Nov. 13 – 15 and Nov. 20 – 22 at 8 p.m. in the Performing Arts center on the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49th Avenue. Ticket prices are $5 for students and seniors and $6 general admission. Tickets will go on sale on Monday, Nov. 10, at 1 p.m. and may be obtained in person at the box office, located in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center, or by telephone at 977-4949. Reservations will be taken by phone between 1 and 5 p.m.

Interpreted for the hearing impaired on Friday, Nov. 21. For further information, contact Joanna Goff, 977-4620, Ext. 3557, or Dan Hays, 977-4284.