This content was published: November 13, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Board of Directors Meeting Schedule Changes

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The Board of Directors at Portland Community College has changed two dates on the 1997-98 schedule of meetings. The December board meeting has been changed to Thursday, Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Sylvania Campus Conference Rooms A/B, CC Building, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave. The Board has also scheduled a work session on Thursday, Jan. 29, 5 to 9 p.m. Please note the enclosed 1997-98 board meeting schedule.

Portland Community College 1997-98 Board Meeting Schedule

Date: November 20

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Cascade, Terrell Hall 122

Date: December 11*

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: January 15, 1998

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: January 29*

Event: Board Work Session

Location: Sylvania, Sylvania Room (5-9PM)

Date: February 5

Event: Optional Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: February 19

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Cascade, Terrell Hall 122

Date: March 5

Event: Optional Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: March 19

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: April 2

Event: Optional Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: April 16

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Rock Creek, Forum

Date: May 21

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: June 18

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: July 16

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: August 13

Event: Business Meeting

Location: Sylvania, Conf. Rooms A/B

Date: August 21-22

Event: Board Planning Session

Location: TBA

* Date changed/added

All regular board meetings begin at 7:30 PM.