This content was published: November 13, 1998. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Sylvania Exhibit Features Celebrated Seattle Artists

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The unique and telling art seen throughout Seattle is making its way down I-5 to Portland Community College’s Northview Gallery for a free exhibit through December 10 at the Sylvania Campus.

"Seattle Collects Seattle," selections from the permanent collection of the City of Seattle, features major paintings by Seattle artists Jeffrey Bishop, Catherine Cook, Drake Deknatel, Joe Max Emminger, Randy Hayes, Ken Kelly, Deborah Lawrence and Rich Lehl.

The exhibition represents an ongoing Seattle Artists Program, created in 1987 by the Seattle Arts Commission and Seattle City Light. The program was designed to specifically support and encourage significant achievement by Seattle artists by commissioning new artwork for the Seattle City Light Portable Works Collection.

This collection is housed in various municipal buildings throughout Seattle. The current exhibition marks the first time the collection has been loaned, according the Northview Gallery Director Hugh Webb.

The Northview Gallery is located in the Communication Technology (CT) Building in Room 214 at Sylvania, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave. The gallery’s hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For more information on the current exhibit, or the Northview Gallery, contact Hugh Webb at 977-4264.