This content was published: February 16, 2004. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Auditions for PCC play 'Streamers'

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AUDITION NOTICESPRING TERM THEATRE ARTS, SYLVANIA, PRODUCTION OFSTREAMERSWHAT: STREAMERS, by David Rabe, is a hard hitting expose of a group of soldiers. Friends at first, their lives are changed and in various ways destroyed by the arrival of a new soldier.WHO: All PCC students are welcome to audition. Theatre Majors as well as non-majors are encouraged to audition. If you are cast, you can receive up to 4 transfer credits for TA180 (Rehearsal and Performance). Cast – 11 men, age ranges from 18-50, including several lead African American roles. WHEN: Monday, March 8, 4-6pm, Sylvania campus, CT 201 Tuesday, March 9, 4-6pm, Cascade campus, SC 301 Wednesday, March 10, 4-6pm, Sylvania campus, CT 201 Thursday, March 11, 4-6pm, Cascade Campus, SC 301 Callbacks Wednesday, March 17, 4-6pm, Sylvania, CT 201 HOW: Auditions will consist of reading from the script.Please sign up to audition on the PAC Call Board for Sylvania campus dates. Call Board is located across from Rooms 107 & 108 in the PAC. Just show up at the prescribed room for Cascade auditions. Scripts are available on Sylvania campus in the Visual and Performing Arts Office, CT 216, through the Administrative Assistant for 24-hour checkout. Scripts are available in the Cascade Library at the reserve desk for 24-hour checkout. Production dates are May 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29. All rehearsals will be on the Sylvania campus. Specific times for rehearsals TBA (usually Mon-Fri rehearsals-probably early evening time period). If you have any questions, please contact Rick Mullins at (503)977-4828 or Sue Parks-Hilden at (503)977-4323.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »