This content was published: January 24, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Here is a list of the full time faculty transfer opportunities for 2007/2008

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Faculty anticipated vacancies for the 2007/2008 year have been identified. Article 10.23 of the Faculty Agreement states that a continuous appointment faculty member may request a transfer to an announced job opening in the same discipline at another campus. Continuous appointment faculty who are interested in transferring to one of the positions listed below are instructed to contact the Division Dean listed below to discuss the possibility of a transfer. The Division Dean in conjunction with the Campus President will determine whether or not the request for transfer will be granted. All requests for transfer must be completed with the Division Dean by Friday, January 26, 2007. The Campus President will notify individuals regarding the status of their requests. The Campus President must notify Human Resources of transfers accepted by Monday, January 29, 2007.

Contact/Div Dean?Kal Robertson?Larry Clausen?Larry Clausen??Contact/Div Dean?Cheryl Scott?Dan Findley?Dan Findley?Reine Thomas?Dan Findley?Reine Thomas??Contact/Div Dean?Kurt Simonds?Kurt Simonds?Kurt Simonds?John Saito?Brooke Gondara?Jeff Triplett4141

** Some positions may be filled in the 2006/2007 academic year

Please note: additional transfer opportunities may be announced when they have been confirmed.