This content was published: February 5, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

NIF on Energy Option: Finding a Solution to the Power Predicament

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On Friday, March 9, PCC’s Public Policy Institute will conduct a National Issues Forum (NIF) on Energy Options: Finding a Solution to the Power Predicament.

The NIF model promotes public deliberation on critical issues. The forums are different from everyday conversations, or adversarial debates, in that participants engage in deliberation of three or four choices framed around the issue. The forums present each issue in a neutral, nonpartisan way that encourages people to take a fresh look at the topic and at their own, and other individuals’ convictions.

This particular forum will be taped as part of a PBS special called A Public Voice.

It will be held in Conference Room B at Sylvania from 1:00-3:00pm.

We have room for approx. 25 participants. If you would like to attend, please contact Neal Nigus at x4122 or as soon as possible