This content was published: April 10, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Get involved in Earth Week festivities on campus

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PCC will be hosting various events during Earth Week, April 16-22. All are invited to attend these events and activities. For additional information, you can also visit the PCC Sustainability website at

Sylvania Campus
Speakers – Unless otherwise noted, all speakers will be in the Upper CC Mall

Monday (4/16): 11am – Dan Serres on Liquefied Natural Gas in Oregon, 12pm- Rod McAfee on the Natural Way

Tuesday (4/17): 11am – Tom Hastings on War and the Environment , 12pm- Larry Adams on Alternative Fuels, 3pm- Identifying Reproductive Risks from Environmental Exposures in ST 101

Wednesday (4/18): 11am- Rowan Wolf on Social Justice & the Environment, 12pm- Rueben Allen (student body pres) open forum for the environment , 1pm- Noelle Studer "America’s Campuses: Islands of Hope"

Thursday (4/19): 11 to 1pm- Steve Jones presents An Inconvenient Truth , 1 to 3pm- Global Exchange speakers on Immigration and Trade in ST 107

Friday (4/20): 10am-4pm- movies in ST 101

Saturday (4/ 21): City Repair Earth Day at Woodlawn Park (in NE Portland)

Sunday (4/22): Habitat Team work party, 9 am until noon. Planting and invasive species removal!

Tables in the Upper CC Mall: 10am to 2pm, Monday through Thursday

Transform Transportation, Energy and Recycling, Operation Green, Summer Eco-project, Earth Day Work Party, Scrap (4-19 only), and Free Geek (4-19 only).

Even More! Games and bike helmet or reusable container decorating hosted by Spin and an Environmental Essay contest (one for students and one for faculty/staff).

Rock Creek Campus

Monday (4/16):11 am- Dr. Tom Robertson “Human Impacts on Watersheds” bldg. 7-room 108, 12 pm- Noelle Studer "America’s Campuses: Islands of Hope" & The PCC Carbon Report. Bldg 3 Forum, 6-8 pm- Film: "Web of Life – Exploring Biodiversity" Bldg 3 Forum

Tuesday (4/17): 11:30 am- Live presentation of "An Inconvenient Truth" Bldg 7 room 121, 3-5 pm Learning Garden Work Party, across from Building 9, 6:30 pm- Live presentation of "An Inconvenient Truth" Bldg 3 Forum

Wednesday (4/18):Noon-1:30, National Wildlife Federation "Chill Out" Broadcast, Bldg 3 Mall Stage, 6-8 pm- Film: "Web of Life – Exploring Biodiversity" Bldg 3 Forum

Thursday (4/19): 11-noon, Noelle Studer "America’s Campuses: Islands of Hope" & The PCC Carbon Report Bldg 7-107

Friday (4/20): 10-1, Forest Restoration Project – Exotic plant removal in the West Side Fordst – Meet at the Bldg 3 Mall stage

Saturday (4/21): 6 p.m. “Caesar Chavez Evening of Excellence” Bldg. 9 – Event Center

Even More! April 16-19: Film Screenings in the Student Center:An Inconvenient Truth, The Corporation, Who Killed the Electric Car, Oil on Ice, Blue Planet, The Future of Food. Recycled Art Exhibit – Mon-Thurs Bldg. 3 Mall Stage. Tables hosted Mon-Thurs Bldg 3 Mall, Bio-diesel Racing, PCC Commuter Green Tags for sale , Master Recyclers, Solar Power at Rock Creek, Recycled Garden Center – 2 for 1 coupons, Think Local First – Sustainable Business Alliance, and a Craft Table.

Cascade Campus
Mon(4/16)- Fri (4/19): Tabling on Borthwick Mall: information, activities and prizes focusing on transportation, reducing-reusing-and-recycling, carbon emissions and climate change, and community events.

Films in the cafeteria daily 10:30 – 3pm.

Sat (4/21): Volunteering at City Repair’s Earth Day at Woodlawn Park. To get involved, contact

Southeast Center
An Inconvenient Truth showing in Mount Scott Room 203 from Noon – 1:45

The Future of Food movie showing in Mount Scott Room 203 from Noon – 1:45

For these films, please RSVP with SE ASPCC @ 503-788-6262