This content was published: April 23, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Lunch with a professional hosted by Sylvania Career Resource Center

Photos and story by

Interested in Pharmaceutical Sales?

Get the inside scoop on a career that interests you by having lunch at PCC with a person working in that field. Cathy Ruppe is a Pharmaceutical Sales Representative for a local company. Cathy has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Psychology and is a dynamic individual. Cathy will be at Sylvania Campus on Thursday, April 26th from 12:00 to 12:50pm to talk with students about her profession.

Would you like to talk with Cathy about her career? Contact the Sylvania Career Resource Center at 503.977.4470 now for more details. Spots are limited, so sign up today.

Additional lunches will be hosted next month featuring Librarian Perri Parise, on May 10th and Nike Merchandise Planning Manager, David Kelsay, on May 24th.