This content was published: April 24, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day

Photos and story by

Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day

Thursday, April 26th celebrates the 15th anniversary of Take Our

Daughters And Sons To Work? which connects what children learn at

school with the actual working world. PCC campuses are sponsoring

various activities for this day and you’re invited to bring your school

age children.

Rock Creek will host children/parents in the Women’s Resource Center

from 8:30-10:00. The Cascade Women’s Resource Center is planning

activities between 10:00-12:00 and 12:00-2:00 and interested

participants should contact the Cascade WRC to RSVP. At Sylvania,

children/parents are encouraged to stop by the Women’s Resource Center

between 9:00-10:00 in the morning.

For more information about Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work visit