This content was published: June 22, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

SYLVANIA KUDOS: Dental Hygiene students achieve 100-percent pass rate

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All twenty dental hygiene students, based at the Sylvania Campus, passed their second national board exams this year. PCC placed above the national average and did very well in all subject areas. Congrats to Dental Hygiene staff!

Nursing faculty make a difference on national scene

An article, titled “The Office of the National Nurse,” by Nursing program instructors Teri Mills and Alisa Schneider was published in the professional journal Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice. In brief, they argue “the American health care system is in a crisis of soaring costsand epidemics of preventable diseases; poor health literacycontributes to these problems. In spite of the need for change,the system is resistant. Efforts to address the crisis mustfocus on new ways of educating the public to understand theirhealth and how to prevent illness. Nurses calling for leadership,innovation, and inspiration are uniting behind the proposalfor an Office of the National Nurse to serve as the vehiclefor the delivery of accurate and accessible health informationto all Americans to reduce the incidence of preventable diseases.”

Kudos to Teri and Alisa! To read more, the article is on the Web.

Alchemy wins Silver Crown from Columbia University

The Columbia Scholastic Press Association at Columbia University’s School of Journalism recognized the PCC Sylvania literary magazine “Alchemy” with its Silver Crown at their annual convention in New York City in March. Among other compliments, the judges wrote of one layout, “The interplay of photography and prose is simple and effective. The use of lines in the photo forces the reader into the verbal package”

Congratulations to the students, creative writing faculty as well as graphic design and art faculty!

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »