This content was published: February 12, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

TLC Coordinator Position at Cascade

Photos and story by

Cascade and Southeast Instructors:

You have some great ideas!

Share them.

You are invited to apply to serve as

Cascade Campus TLC Coordinator

beginning this summer.

The position is approximately half-time and carries a release for full-time instructors or reimbursement for part-time instructors. The TLC comes with some programming in place, but you will have the opportunity to reinvent much of it as you see fit. You will have the help of a long-standing committee, as well as Jeanne Lincoln and Scott Huff.

This is an opportunity for you to affect the climate of the campus and the college as a whole through work with TLC coordinators at other campuses. Please consider this as an opportunity for you to diversify as well as to serve our campus.

If you would like to schedule a few minutes to talk with Melody, Scott or Jeanne feel free to call or email.

Melody 5009

Jeanne 5228

Scott 5573