This content was published: May 21, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Instructor Dembrow primary race for Oregon House

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Democrat Michael Dembrow, English instructor at Portland Community College and longtime president of the PCC Faculty Federation, won his race Tuesday night for the Oregon House of Representatives.

Dembrow faces no Republican opposition in November. He will be sworn into office in January 2009.

Dembrow will serve District 45, which covers much of Northeast Portland. The seat was vacated this year by Jackie Dingfelder, who ran for, and was elected to, Sen. Avel Gordly’s District 23 seat in the Oregon Senate.

Gordly has retired to take a position at Portland State University.

Dembrow joins PCC speech instructor Larry Galizio in the House. Galizio easily won his primary race Tuesday night. He will face Republic Tony Marino in November, in the race for the Tigard district that is adjacent to PCC’s Sylvania Campus.

Dembrow teaches at Cascade Campus; Galizio at Sylvania.

Dembrow won handily, taking 40.8 percent of the vote, according to unofficial final results from Multnomah County Elections Department. He defeated Democratic candidates Cyreena Boston, 34.5 percent, and Jon Coney, 24.5 percent. No Republicans filed to run in the strongly Democratic inner-Portland district.

The Oregon Legislature – which meets every two years – will convene in January 2009.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »