This content was published: May 21, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Rock Creek gets new dean of instruction

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Birgitte Ryslinge has accepted the dean of instruction position offer for the Rock Creek Campus. Ryslinge served as the Academic Services Dean for seven years in a campus larger than Rock Creek at the multi-campus Las Positas College in California.

She provided leadership, direction and oversight for career and technical programs similar to those at Rock Creek (Automotive, Business, CIS, Computer Networking, Computer Science, and Welding); lower division transfer disciplines consisting of English, Journalism, Performing Arts and Speech; ESOL; Work Based Learning; Integrated Learning Center; Tech Prep K-12 setting up the state model; the Innovation Center offering support for instructional technology and distance education; and several other instructional related areas.

Ryslinge has two master’s degrees – one in organizational psychology and in business administration. She anticipates completing her doctorate in organizational psychology during the summer. Congrats to Birgitte!

Sarah Barrett hired on as ESOL instructor at RC

The Rock Creek Campus welcomes another new hire – Sarah Barrett. She will begin as a new full-time ESOL instructor this coming fall term. Barrett earned a master’s degree in TESOL in 2004 from Portland State University and has experience teaching credit and non-credit ESL classes, as well as developmental reading, study skills, and ABE classes. Welcome Sarah!

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »