This content was published: July 18, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC goes by Rule to fill Rock Creek presidency

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David Rule, current president and CEO of Muskegon Community College, has accepted the position as president of Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus. David Rule

Rule will start work in early fall as he relocates to Oregon from Michigan. He replaces Katherine Persson, who recently left after three years to accept the presidency of Lone Star College in Houston. Rule has been president of Muskegon Community College for the past three years and recently serving on the National Commission on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity through the American Association of Community Colleges.

“Dr. Rule has exhibited outstanding talents in academic and student leadership, community partnerships and administration,” said PCC President Preston Pulliams. “We are thrilled to have him be a part of the PCC family and look forward to working with such a respected educator.”

At Muskegon, Rule helped to implement a new strategic plan; reorganized the Enrollment Management Division to better focus on service; and oversaw the completion of a new $7.2 million Library/Information Technology Center as well as the kickoff of a $3.2 million renovation of a new Student One-Stop project.

Rule holds a doctorate in educational psychology from State University of New York in Albany. He also earned a master’s degree in educational psychology and a bachelor’s degree in music education from the College of St. Rose in Albany, N.Y. In addition, Rule is a community college graduate, reaping an associate’s degree in performing arts from Schenectady County Community College in Schenectady, N.Y.

Before Muskegon, he previously served as vice president for academic affairs and assistant vice president for curriculum and instruction at Orange Community College in New York. Before that he was the director of institutional research and program development at St. Thomas Aquinas College and professor of educational psychology and director of the graduate program in educational psychology at Marist College in New York.

“I am delighted about coming to the Rock Creek Campus of PCC and am excited at the opportunity to work with the marvelous faculty and staff as they continued to develop the academic programs of the future while steadily increasing an already-high quality level of instruction,” Rule said.

Rule will make the cross country trek in late summer from Michigan to Oregon with wife Jean and their three children as well as 82-year-old mother-in-law Patricia. He said is looking forward to working at the Rock Creek Campus (17705 N.W. Springville Road), which is known for its rural landscape, active farm operation and recognized biology, welding, auto body repair, aviation and bioscience technology programs.

“Coming from the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains of New York State, we can’t wait to explore the wonderful environmental aspects of the greater Portland area,” Rule added.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »