This content was published: July 24, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PEOPLE and PLACES: Aman takes job with College of Western Idaho

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Rick Aman has accepted the position of associate vice president for academic affairs at the College of Western Idaho. The school will be Idaho’s newest community college and will give Aman an opportunity to create an institution of higher education from the ground up. “His background in accreditation and technology as well as his experience in facilitating innovative solutions makes him a valuable, creative academic leader for the College of Western Idaho,” said Christine Chairsell, vice president of Academic and Student Affairs. “We wish Rick…the very best as (he) begins this new journey.”

Congratulations to Rick!

Santa Monica CC welcomes Kelley Brayton as new head of International Ed

Kelley Brayton, director of International Education for PCC, has accepted the position of dean of International Education at Santa Monica Community College. Brayton established the PCC International Education Program as a national model. “Thanks to everyone for the good wishes I’ve been receiving,” said Brayton. “I really appreciate all of the support for the International Education program and initiatives at PCC over the years. I’m excited about this new opportunity at Santa Monica Community College and wish you all well.”

Congrats to Kelley!

Sylvania ASPCC adds Colleen Pittinger to staff

Colleen Pittinger is the new assistant to the student leadership coordinator – Cami Bishop. Pittinger comes to Sylvania after more than seven years working in the records office at Rock Creek and is a former PCC student there. She also worked in the Sylvania’s Co-op Ed department and gained valuable experience. “She is…using her valuable experience with our resources to already have a positive impact on the office,” Bishop said. “The days do fly by quickly in our busy office, but it’s a challenge Colleen is up to and handling well.

Kudos to Colleen!

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »