This content was published: November 14, 2008. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC students host online auction for charity

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Portland Community College’s Students4Giving is hosting an online auction just in time for the holidays. The auction Web site offers nearly 100 items like vacation packages, jewelry, golf adventures, artwork and more, donated from a variety of community partners.

WHEN: Monday, Dec. 1 to Sunday, Dec. 14.

WHERE: PCC Students4giving Auction Web site
DETAILS: Students4Giving is an academic program that benefits local nonprofits and gives PCC students the opportunity to guide a philanthropic fund. Money generated from the auction will go to the program and will be awarded in the form of grants to local non-profit agencies in the coming year. Students4Giving launched last year thanks to a grant from Campus Compact and Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund. Students4Giving participants analyzed applications from several non-profit organizations and awarded $10,000 in grants to local agencies last winter. During the spring term, Students4Giving advised the City of Portland’s Vision into Action Coalition, awarding $9,900 in Youth Action Grants.

CONTACT: For more information, call Kate Chester, Sylvania Campus community relations manager, at (503) 977-8233.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »