This content was published: April 13, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

English/Composition Literature transfer opportunity at Rock Creek

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An additional faculty vacancy for the 2009-10 academic year has been identified. This vacancy is subject to state funding and final budget approval of the PCC Board of Directors. Article 10.23 of the Faculty Agreement states that a continuous appointment faculty member may request a transfer to an announced job opening in the same discipline at another campus.

Continuous appointment faculty who are interest in transferring to the position listed below are instructed to contact the division dean to discuss the possibility of a transfer. The division dean in conjunction with the campus dean of instruction and/or the campus president, will determine whether or not the request for transfer will be granted.

All requests for transfer must be completed by Monday, April 27.The campus president will notify individuals regarding the status of their requests. The campus president must notify Human Resources of transfers accepted by Friday, May 8.

Rock Creek Campus

Subject: English-Comp/Lit

Division Dean: Cheryl Scott x7245

* Please note that this “transfer” opportunity is also contingent upon the outcome of such transfer resulting in a net loss of one full-time position at the Sylvania Campus. In other words, in order for a faculty member at Cascade or Southeast Center to be selected for this transfer opportunity, there must be a faculty member at Sylvania who is willing to transfer to a vacant position at the other (CA or SE) campus. All requestors will be informed of the status of this transfer opportunity.