This content was published: May 29, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC nets nationwide award for online learning

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Portland Community College is the first-ever recipient of new scholarship award from a national provider of online education.

Education to Go, or known as ed2go, made a $3,000 contribution for scholarships to the PCC Foundation as part of the award. The PCC Board of Directors accepted the donation, which honors the college’s strong commitment to community outreach, workforce development and student access through online learning opportunities. PCC offers more than 300 non-credit online courses and online career training programs in partnership with ed2go. Since 2000, the college has been the most successful ed2go community college partner with thousands of students taking ed2go online courses through the institution.

“This is a wonderful donation that will help us meet our mission of increasing access to all members of the community,” said PCC President Preston Pulliams. “Despite the tough economy, our community outreach through this partnership has attracted numerous students who might not otherwise have come to campus for a classroom session.”

The ed2go IMPACT Award is available to all ed2go college and university partners and the organization will award additional honors throughout the year. Ed2go provides online courses that are delivered through a network of more than 1,800 college and university partners.

“Portland Community College is a fine example of how our partnership with colleges and universities can be of great benefit to local communities,” said Jerry Weissberg, Vice President of Cengage Learning. “It is an honor to recognize PCC as our first National IMPACT Award winner for their outstanding efforts with innovative activities and projects outside of the normal open enrollment catalog and marketing work. PCC has an obvious commitment to distance learning and has developed many ‘best practices’ in this arena.”

As the only non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Portland Community College, the PCC Foundation helps students access education by awarding scholarships and building the capacity of PCC to provide vital educational opportunities for the community. For more information, visit

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »