This content was published: December 30, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Arts commission honors three faculty

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The Oregon Arts Commission has selected three faculty members from the Sylvania Campus to receive Individual Fellowships in 2010 – Mark Smith, Marie Sivak and Bruce Conkle. The fellowships program recognizes the achievements of Oregon artists and contributions they make to the state’s cultural health. Non-matching $3,000 stipends are awarded biennially, depending on discipline, to a select group of innovative creators.

The 2010 Individual Artist Fellowships were earmarked for Oregon artists working in the visual or design arts; a total of 13 fellowship recipients were selected, with PCC Sylvania garnering three. Smith works primarily in painting while Sivak and Conkle are multidisciplinary artists who work in several mediums. At PCC, Sivak teaches sculpture and Conkle teaches drawing and design.

Congrats to Mark, Marie and Bruce!