This content was published: November 10, 2011. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Cascade dean appointed to Portland Workforce Alliance

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Cascade Campus Dean of Instruction Scott Huff has been appointed to the board of directors of the Portland Workforce Alliance, a nonprofit public- and private-sector collaboration aimed at developing a skilled workforce for our region’s economy. The Alliance helps to connect the area’s education system with the needs of the business community, as well as provide meaningful and concrete work experiences and internships to high school students.

His board appointment “keeps the College in touch with both the K-12 education system, particularly high school, and with business and industry,” Huff said. “We are recognized as a critical bridge for workforce development at both the professional certification and two-year degree levels, as well as for those students who pursue more advanced degrees and careers.”

Huff said his position on the Alliance’s board will help the college to better align its curricula with the needs of business and industry, and will also serve to better connect high school students with PCC programs.

“A big part of what we do is to prepare our students to compete in the 21st-century economy,” he said. “Working more closely with the Portland Workforce Alliance will enable us, in conjunction with business and industry, to expand the breadth of employment opportunities for our students from skilled labor through advanced professional careers.”