This content was published: January 31, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Shuttle has record year for number of riders

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In 2011, 84,560 riders used the six PCC shuttles. That is up by 15,500 riders from 2010 when 69,014 people used the college’s transit system.

The shuttles run on six routes and a seventh one will be introduced this fall.

The shuttles run on six routes and a seventh one will be introduced this fall.

In 2007, the PCC Shuttle had 40,450 riders used the college-owned and operated buses. Now, the number of people using this mode of alternative transportation has more than doubled. To help serve them better, PCC Parking even offers a “Shuttle Tracker” application at its website.

“Right now we are operating the same number of shuttles as we had in winter term 2011,” said John Garner, manager of Parking and Transportation Service. “Come fall term the plan is to add a seventh shuttle so that we can, once again, have separate shuttles going from Cascade to Rock Creek and Southeast Center.? We are also planning, starting fall term, to have a couple of our shuttles stop at a few of Tri-Met’s transit centers.”

Plus, last winter, due to increased ridership, PCC added a Yellow Line Express giving the college six shuttles, Garner said.

The Parking Office offers much more than just the shuttles. PCC partnered with METRO, the state of Oregon and the state of Washington to offer a new transportation matching system called Drive Less Connect that lets you find other PCC travelers with similar routes and times.

Another alternative transportation option is the Ride Share Program, which encourages students who would normally drive separately to ride to campus together.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »