This content was published: May 21, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Southeast supports local community in 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade

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More than 80 faculty, students and staff from the Southeast Center volunteered to support or march in Southeast Portland’s biggest event of the year – the sixth annual 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade on April 28.

More than 50 PCC students, faculty and staff marched in the parade, showing their support for the local businesses and neighborhoods. Photo by Olman Sandoval.

The PCC community marched in the parade to show their support for local businesses and neighborhoods and represented the college with pride by carrying a green banner to mark PCC’s 50th anniversary this year. ?The most eye-catching site was the 35 different country flags PCC marchers carried in the parade – visually representing the diversity of the campus and the Southeast Portland community.

Many of the PCC students and faculty carried flags from their country of origin in the parade. Photo by Olman Sandoval.

The show of support goes both ways for PCC and the broader community – thanks to voters’ support for the the 2008 $374 million bond measure,?the Southeast Center will expand and become a full comprehensive campus to serve this same community.

Construction crews are expected to begin work this fall on a $39 million expansion, adding classrooms, science labs, a full service bookstore, a learning center/library, food service facilities, commercial storefronts, green space for public gatherings and a child development center. When work is completed, students can earn academic credentials without having to leave the center for another PCC campus.

Read the rest of this story and view event photos on PCC’s 50th Anniversary website: ?50th branding hits the parade route.