This content was published: January 31, 2013. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Hands-on instruction with PCC Bond Program and Fortis Construction

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Over the last two weeks in January, students enrolled in Kirk Garrison’s Residential Concrete class, a?Building Construction Technology program?course at the Rock Creek campus, ?got some hands-on construction experience with one of the PCC Bond projects on campus.

Under the supervision of Fortis Construction and Faison Construction, the students put hammer and nail together to make the sides of a shallow wood box. Afterwards they leveled and compacted the ground beneath it to create what is known as a concrete form. This week the students filled that form with concrete and vibrated it to ensure no air bubbles were trapped inside. They then finished the surface of the pad with screeds, bull floats and trowels. ?When fully cured, this concrete pad will become the base of an exterior mock-up assembly of the new addition to Building 7? at Rock Creek. The mock-up will show how parts of the future addition will look when finished, as well as allow the construction team to practice several of the more intricate details before moving on to the actual work. Keep an eye out over the next several weeks as this process moves forward!