This content was published: May 13, 2013. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

LIVE UPDATES: PCC’s Day at the Capitol

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Today, a select group of students, staff and champions of the college are converging at the state Capitol Building in Salem for PCC’s Lobby Day. The group will spread information to state leaders about the college’s education programs, how people obtain professional skills for in-demand jobs and the importance of PCC in the community. In addition to meeting legislators, participants will get the chance to witness a floor session, visit PCC booths, and congratulate this year’s Diamond Alum Award winners, who will be announced during a luncheon presentation. Below are updates from the day. Check back often!

Update – 5:38 p.m.
That’s it! PCC Day at the Capitol has finished, but the memories will live on. Feel free to scroll back down and relive the memories and thanks to all who participated!

3:41 p.m., Monday, May 13
Chris Lyon (right) of Mudshark Studios was handing out ceramic growlers to key representatives in the gallery area of the Capitol Building. Lyon’s company learned to handle its surging growth at the college’s SBDC.

3:22 p.m., Monday, May, 13
Visits with legislators are still going strong. The Southeast Center bus has pulled next to the Capitol awaiting its passengers. The day is nearing an end!

2:23 p.m., Monday, May 13
We’re embedded with Preston Pulliams’ lobbying group. So far, we’ve visited Sen. Jackie Dingfelder and Rep. Alyssa Keny Guyer’s staff to talk about the importance of more funding for community colleges. We also slip in that we’re handing out free ice cream sandwiches in the rotunda.

1:22 p.m., Monday, May 13
Three of our five Diamond Alums were present for their awards. Big standing ovation for them and the other two at the end of the luncheon. Speeches covered funding community colleges so that more diamonds like these can be made. Pictured are Theresa Bunker, Martina Clemmons and Joe Gallegos.

12:35 p.m., Monday, May 13
In progress… The Diamond Alum luncheon with speakers Michael Dembrow and Ted Wheeler currently stirring up the crowd.

12:11 p.m., Monday, May 13
Our lobbyists have been well stocked with PCC swag in order to show their spirit in front of our legislators.

11:56 a.m., Monday, May 13
Part of the program displays are robotics demos. These little robotic cars have a mind of their own.

11:18 a.m., Monday, May 13
Preston Pulliams, PCC and board members as well as Chris Chairsell are honored on the Senate floor during the morning session.

11:14 a.m., Monday, May 13
Our own Julianne Johnson belts out “America the Beautiful,” during the opening ceremonies of the Senate session.

10:31 a.m., Monday, May 13
Volunteer super heroes, left to right, Jessica Bull, Jenn Sonntag and Jessica Dornfeld have some fun at the registration tent on the steps of the Capitol Building.

10:25 a.m., Monday, May 13

PCC President Preston Pulliams gets geared up for the Senate floor session proclaiming today PCC day.

9:18 a.m., Monday, May 13

Gregg Meyers uses his 3-D modeling equipment to carve out a picture based on this photographer’s photo of the Capitol. Below is the finished product. Very cool stuff!

9:03 a.m., Monday, May 13
Workers are setting up for the day. Two big tents outside and program and small business displays inside.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Feature: Founders’ Week offers up spirit, advocacy and tributes May 13-18 | PCC News 1 decade ago

[…] our blog for live updates on Founders’ Week activities, starting Monday […]

x by Teresa Salinas 1 decade ago

Thank you for providing updates and for taking PCC to the Capitol!

x by LIVE UPDATES: Spirit Day around the college | PCC News 1 decade ago

[…] want to relive PCC Day at the Capitol? View the updates blog from […]

x by Rob Wagner 1 decade ago

Thank you for making the First Ever PCC “Day At The Capitol” an amazing success!

x by Images from PCC’s Day at the Capitol | PCC News 1 decade ago

[…] you want to relive PCC Day at the Capitol, view the updates blog from […]

x by LIVE UPDATES: It’s PCC’s birthday! | PCC News 1 decade ago

[…] Below, we’ll have a photo gallery of the check out what’s going on at these parties in real time! If you want to relive the Founders’ Week to date, visit the Spirit Day blog or check out what happened at PCC’s Day at the Capitol. […]

x by LIVE UPDATES: CCP at PCC fosters civic participation | PCC News 1 decade ago

[…] If you want to relive the Founders’ Week to date, visit the PCC Birthday Photo Gallery, the Spirit Day blog or check out what happened at PCC’s Day at the Capitol. […]

x by LIVE UPDATES: All-college picnic honors Preston Pulliams | PCC News 1 decade ago

[…] If you want to relive the Founders’ Week to date, visit the CCP at PCC recap page, PCC Birthday Photo Gallery, the Spirit Day blog or check out what happened at PCC’s Day at the Capitol. […]