This content was published: April 21, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Birgitte Ryslinge is new president of Oregon Coast CC

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Last week, the Board of Oregon Coast Community College voted to appoint Sylvania Campus Interim President Birgitte Ryslinge as their next college president. Ryslinge will remain at Sylvania until she starts in her new job on July 1.

“I am very excited about this next chapter in my life, and also so very appreciative of what I have learned from you all in the past six years I spent with PCC,” Ryslinge said.

Ryslinge will remain at Sylvania until she starts in her new job on July 1.

Ryslinge will remain at Sylvania until she starts in her new job on July 1.

Ryslinge was hired as the Rock Creek Campus’ Dean of Instruction in 2008 and then served as Rock Creek’s interim president after David Rule left for a presidency in Washington state in late 2012. Ryslinge, who has helped lead Rock Creek’s bond planning, has reorganized the instructional divisions at the campus to align with regional industry needs and better serve the campus’ growing student population. She has supported faculty in developing new programs in healthcare, natural resource management and zoo technician.

In addition, Ryslinge has served in key college-wide leadership roles as well, providing support to a variety of PCC advising councils. Prior to coming to the college, she was dean of Academic Services, Vocational Education and Economic 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment for Las Positas College in California. She earned her doctorate in Organizational Psychology from Alliant International University.

“During Birgitte’s time at Rock Creek she provided essential leadership for campus bond planning and construction, the expansion of our highly regarded Future Connect programme to Washington County, enhanced partnerships with our K-12 districts, and increased outreach to the Columbia County community,” said PCC President Jeremy Brown. “The presidency of Oregon Coast is a fantastic opportunity for Birgitte. OCCC is one of the fastest growing community colleges in Oregon, providing critical education and training to the residents of Lincoln City, Newport and Waldport, with innovative programmes like Aquarium Science.”

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Oregon Coast Community College students go months with no financial aid due … – The Oregonian | Top Education 1 decade ago

[…] Only 26 of a 85 students holding summer-term classes during a Newport propagandize were banking on betrothed financial assist for a summer, pronounced Dean of Student Cindy Carlson. The college will wait until a assist arrives after this year to assign those students for tuition, fees and books, given it was a college’s fault, not theirs, that assist was hold up, pronounced Oregon Coast’s new boss Birgitte Ryslinge. […]