This content was published: May 18, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

President Jeremy Brown to leave Portland Community College

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The Portland Community College Board of Directors tonight voted to approve a separation agreement with Jeremy Brown, president of the college. The mutually agreed upon separation-in-service will enable Brown to pursue other professional opportunities.

“This is a mutual parting of the ways,” said Deanna Palm, PCC Board chair. “The Board and Dr. Brown realized they were each heading in different directions and have agreed to this separation-in-service.

“The Board thanks Dr. Brown for his service,” Palm added. “During his tenure, the College has made a number of beneficial changes that have enhanced PCC’s ability to serve students, and to address future challenges. The Board wishes him well in future endeavors.”

During Brown’s tenure, PCC created a comprehensive five-year strategic plan that was well received by students, faculty and support staff. This plan will serve to guide future PCC strategic initiatives and investment priorities.

Also during Brown’s tenure, PCC exceeded fundraising expectations and continued its successful bond-funded capital expansion, including numerous campus facility improvements and several new building additions.

As part of this transition, the PCC Board also tonight authorized Executive Vice President Sylvia Kelley to assume the authority to direct PCC’s day-to-day operations during Brown’s transition until an interim president can be appointed. Going forward, the Board will make decisions about naming an interim president, expected within the next month or so, and will outline an inclusive process when it begins a national search for the next PCC president.