This content was published: March 23, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

The Rock Creek Chorus plans to attend big choral festival in Seattle

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The?Rock Creek Chorus will travel to Seattle March 30 through April 2 to attend the 2016 Emerald City Choral Festival. This is the first such trip for the chorus.

“This event will give our chorus the opportunity to work with and learn from Dr. René Clausen, a well-respected composer and director,” said Pollyanna-Hancock Moody, the director of the Rock Creek Chorus. “They will sing with a large professional orchestra in an ensemble of 200 other singers from various choirs from across the country.”

Clausen, who will serve as the guest conductor at the festival, is an American composer, conductor of the Concordia Choir and professor of music at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn. The Rock Creek Chorus featured some of his compositions in its 2016 winter concert.

In addition to working with a large choral group, the chorus will work in smaller clinics with Clausen culminating in a dress rehearsal and concert on the last evening. Added Hancock-Moody, “The event gives students the rare opportunity to work with the composer of the music they will perform.”

For more information about the Rock Creek Chorus or the tour, please contact Jason Palmer at or (971) 722-7869.