This content was published: March 23, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Students champion innovative designs in competitive Egg Drop Challenge

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The Sylvania MakerLab hosted an Egg Drop Challenge recently to help encourage critical thinking in design. With 18 entries in the event, Aaron Riffenburgh Kirby won the challenge and the grand prize of a choice between a computer or 3D printer.

Contestants who created their egg holders in the MakerLab had to adhere to strict spending rules and were limited to $25 on building supplies, including straws and tape that were provided free of charge by the MakerLab. Participants who passed by the event and wanted to join in also were provided with the same free materials, but only had about 30 minutes to build their apparatus.

Before the device was taken up to the 28-foot drop, designers had to present their submission to the judging panel, which gave them real-world impromptu speaking experience. The judges awarded each student points based on a predetermined point system that allowed special points for artistic entries and write ups that highlighted the engineering of the project.

About Celina Baguiao

A Los Angeles native, Baguiao joined Portland Community College in 2016 as the Community Relations Manager at the Sylvania Campus. Spending her entire career in higher education, she has a background in public relations, athletics and event... more »