This content was published: July 17, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Summer construction work in College Center will require some detours and noise

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The final phase of bond improvements at the College Center begin July 2017.

The final phase of bond improvements at the College Center begin July 2017.

This summer, the final push begins to complete the capital improvements to Sylvania Campus’ College Center (CC). Starting July 17, construction crews will demolish significant sections of concrete at the building’s north end, work that is likely to continue for three to four months. The demo work will be started early in the day to help minimize the noise impact for PCC’s neighbors.

This final phase of work at the CC, which is funded by the voter-approved 2008 bond measure, will include building new spaces for four of Sylvania’s resource centers (Multicultural, Women’s, Queer and Veterans). In addition, a student lounge and offices for student government (Associated Students of Portland Community College) will be created.

A temporary partition will be in place through March 2018 in the upper mall on the north side of the information desk. Meanwhile, the north entrance to the CC Building will be closed, as well as the bathrooms at the bottom of the stairs.

Access to the elevator on the north end of the CC will remain available. The east entries (near the Welcome Pole and the Answer Center) will be the primary paths for people to get from the CC to the HT Building or the elevator on the north side of the building.

Signage has been posted all around the building to help direct people around the construction zone, and a floor plan map detailing the construction area is available on PCC’s website.

Bond-funded improvements in the CC are scheduled to be completed in May 2018.